
There are many ways to install Julia. The following sections highlight the recommended method for each of the main supported platforms, and then present alternative ways that might be useful in specialized situations.

The current installation recommendation is a solution based on Juliaup. If you installed Julia previously with a method that is not based on Juliaup and want to switch your system to an installation that is based on Juliaup, we recommend that you uninstall all previous Julia versions, ensure that you remove anything Julia related from your PATH variable and then install Julia with one of the methods described below.


On Windows Julia can be installed directly from the Windows store here. One can also install exactly the same version by executing

winget install julia -s msstore

in any shell.

Mac and Linux

Julia can be installed on Linux or Mac by executing

curl -fsSL | sh

in a shell.

Command line arguments

One can pass various command line arguments to the Julia installer. The syntax for installer arguments is

curl -fsSL | sh -s -- <ARGS>

Here <ARGS> should be replaced with one or more of the following arguments:

  • --yes (or -y): Run the installer in a non-interactive mode. All configuration values use their default or a value supplied as a command line argument.
  • --default-channel=<NAME>: Configure the default Juliaup channel. For example --default-channel lts would install the lts channel and configure it as the default.
  • --add-to-path=<yes|no>: Configure whether Julia should be added to the PATH environment variable. Valid values are yes (default) and no.
  • --background-selfupdate=<SECONDS>: Configure an optional CRON job that auto-updates Juliaup if <SECONDS> has a value larger than 0. The actual value controls how often the CRON job will run to check for a new Juliaup version in seconds. The default value is 0, i.e. no CRON job will be created.
  • --startup-selfupdate=<MINUTES>: Configure how often Julia will check for new versions of Juliaup when Julia is started. The default is every 1440 minutes.
  • -p=<PATH> (or --path): Configure where the Julia and Juliaup binaries are installed. The default is ~/.juliaup.

Alternative installation methods

Note that we recommend the following methods only if none of the installation methods described above work for your system.

Some of the installation methods described below recommend installing a package called juliaup. Note that this nevertheless installs a fully functional Julia system, not just Juliaup.

App Installer (Windows)

If the Windows Store is blocked on a system, we have an alternative MSIX App Installer based setup. To use the App Installer version, download this file and open it by double clicking on it.

MSI Installer (Windows)

If neither the Windows Store nor the App Installer version work on your Windows system, you can also use a MSI based installer. Note that this installation methods comes with serious limitations and is generally not recommended unless no other method works. For example, there is no automatic update mechanism for Juliaup with this installation method. The 64 bit version of the MSI installer can be downloaded from here and the 32 bit version from here.

By default the install will be a per-user install that does not require elevation. You can also do a system install by running the following command from a shell:


Homebrew (Mac and Linux)

On systems with brew, you can install Julia by running

brew install juliaup

in a shell. Note that you will have to update Juliaup with standard brew commands.

Arch Linux - AUR (Linux)

On Arch Linux, Juliaup is available in the Arch User Repository (AUR).

openSUSE Tumbleweed (Linux)

On openSUSE Tumbleweed, you can install Julia by running

zypper install juliaup

in a shell with root privileges.

cargo (Windows, Mac and Linux)

To install Julia via Rust's cargo, run:

cargo install juliaup