
download(url, [ output = tempname() ];
    [ method = "GET", ]
    [ headers = <none>, ]
    [ timeout = <none>, ]
    [ progress = <none>, ]
    [ verbose = false, ]
    [ debug = <none>, ]
    [ downloader = <default>, ]
) -> output

    url        :: AbstractString
    output     :: Union{AbstractString, AbstractCmd, IO}
    method     :: AbstractString
    headers    :: Union{AbstractVector, AbstractDict}
    timeout    :: Real
    progress   :: (total::Integer, now::Integer) --> Any
    verbose    :: Bool
    debug      :: (type, message) --> Any
    downloader :: Downloader

Download a file from the given url, saving it to output or if not specified, a temporary path. The output can also be an IO handle, in which case the body of the response is streamed to that handle and the handle is returned. If output is a command, the command is run and output is sent to it on stdin.

If the downloader keyword argument is provided, it must be a Downloader object. Resources and connections will be shared between downloads performed by the same Downloader and cleaned up automatically when the object is garbage collected or there have been no downloads performed with it for a grace period. See Downloader for more info about configuration and usage.

If the headers keyword argument is provided, it must be a vector or dictionary whose elements are all pairs of strings. These pairs are passed as headers when downloading URLs with protocols that supports them, such as HTTP/S.

The timeout keyword argument specifies a timeout for the download to complete in seconds, with a resolution of milliseconds. By default no timeout is set, but this can also be explicitly requested by passing a timeout value of Inf. Separately, if 20 seconds elapse without receiving any data, the download will timeout. See extended help for how to disable this timeout.

If the progress keyword argument is provided, it must be a callback function which will be called whenever there are updates about the size and status of the ongoing download. The callback must take two integer arguments: total and now which are the total size of the download in bytes, and the number of bytes which have been downloaded so far. Note that total starts out as zero and remains zero until the server gives an indication of the total size of the download (e.g. with a Content-Length header), which may never happen. So a well-behaved progress callback should handle a total size of zero gracefully.

If the verbose option is set to true, libcurl, which is used to implement the download functionality will print debugging information to stderr. If the debug option is set to a function accepting two String arguments, then the verbose option is ignored and instead the data that would have been printed to stderr is passed to the debug callback with type and message arguments. The type argument indicates what kind of event has occurred, and is one of: TEXT, HEADER IN, HEADER OUT, DATA IN, DATA OUT, SSL DATA IN or SSL DATA OUT. The message argument is the description of the debug event.

Extended Help

For further customization, use a Downloader and easy_hooks. For example, to disable the 20 second timeout when no data is received, you may use the following:

downloader = Downloads.Downloader()
downloader.easy_hook = (easy, info) -> Downloads.Curl.setopt(easy, Downloads.Curl.CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 0)""; downloader)
    [ input = <none>, ]
    [ output = <none>, ]
    [ method = input ? "PUT" : output ? "GET" : "HEAD", ]
    [ headers = <none>, ]
    [ timeout = <none>, ]
    [ progress = <none>, ]
    [ verbose = false, ]
    [ debug = <none>, ]
    [ throw = true, ]
    [ downloader = <default>, ]
    [ interrupt = <none>, ]
) -> Union{Response, RequestError}

    url        :: AbstractString
    input      :: Union{AbstractString, AbstractCmd, IO}
    output     :: Union{AbstractString, AbstractCmd, IO}
    method     :: AbstractString
    headers    :: Union{AbstractVector, AbstractDict}
    timeout    :: Real
    progress   :: (dl_total, dl_now, ul_total, ul_now) --> Any
    verbose    :: Bool
    debug      :: (type, message) --> Any
    throw      :: Bool
    downloader :: Downloader
    interrupt  :: Base.Event

Make a request to the given url, returning a Response object capturing the status, headers and other information about the response. The body of the response is written to output if specified and discarded otherwise. For HTTP/S requests, if an input stream is given, a PUT request is made; otherwise if an output stream is given, a GET request is made; if neither is given a HEAD request is made. For other protocols, appropriate default methods are used based on what combination of input and output are requested. The following options differ from the download function:

  • input allows providing a request body; if provided default to PUT request
  • progress is a callback taking four integers for upload and download progress
  • throw controls whether to throw or return a RequestError on request error

Note that unlike download which throws an error if the requested URL could not be downloaded (indicated by non-2xx status code), request returns a Response object no matter what the status code of the response is. If there is an error with getting a response at all, then a RequestError is thrown or returned.

If the interrupt keyword argument is provided, it must be a Base.Event object. If the event is triggered while the request is in progress, the request will be cancelled and an error will be thrown. This can be used to interrupt a long running request, for example if the user wants to cancel a download.

struct Response
    proto   :: String
    url     :: String
    status  :: Int
    message :: String
    headers :: Vector{Pair{String,String}}

Response is a type capturing the properties of a successful response to a request as an object. It has the following fields:

  • proto: the protocol that was used to get the response
  • url: the URL that was ultimately requested after following redirects
  • status: the status code of the response, indicating success, failure, etc.
  • message: a textual message describing the nature of the response
  • headers: any headers that were returned with the response

The meaning and availability of some of these responses depends on the protocol used for the request. For many protocols, including HTTP/S and S/FTP, a 2xx status code indicates a successful response. For responses in protocols that do not support headers, the headers vector will be empty. HTTP/2 does not include a status message, only a status code, so the message will be empty.

struct RequestError <: ErrorException
    url      :: String
    code     :: Int
    message  :: String
    response :: Response

RequestError is a type capturing the properties of a failed response to a request as an exception object:

  • url: the original URL that was requested without any redirects
  • code: the libcurl error code; 0 if a protocol-only error occurred
  • message: the libcurl error message indicating what went wrong
  • response: response object capturing what response info is available

The same RequestError type is thrown by download if the request was successful but there was a protocol-level error indicated by a status code that is not in the 2xx range, in which case code will be zero and the message field will be the empty string. The request API only throws a RequestError if the libcurl error code is non-zero, in which case the included response object is likely to have a status of zero and an empty message. There are, however, situations where a curl-level error is thrown due to a protocol error, in which case both the inner and outer code and message may be of interest.

Downloader(; [ grace::Real = 30 ])

Downloader objects are used to perform individual download operations. Connections, name lookups and other resources are shared within a Downloader. These connections and resources are cleaned up after a configurable grace period (default: 30 seconds) since anything was downloaded with it, or when it is garbage collected, whichever comes first. If the grace period is set to zero, all resources will be cleaned up immediately as soon as there are no more ongoing downloads in progress. If the grace period is set to Inf then resources are not cleaned up until Downloader is garbage collected.