
The Future module implements future behavior of already existing functions, which will replace the current version in a future release of Julia.

Future.copy!(dst, src) -> dst

Copy src into dst.

Julia 1.1

This function has moved to Base with Julia 1.1, consider using copy!(dst, src) instead. Future.copy! will be deprecated in the future.

randjump(r::MersenneTwister, steps::Integer) -> MersenneTwister

Create an initialized MersenneTwister object, whose state is moved forward (without generating numbers) from r by steps steps. One such step corresponds to the generation of two Float64 numbers. For each different value of steps, a large polynomial has to be generated internally. One is already pre-computed for steps=big(10)^20.

This documentation is not for the latest stable release, but for either the development version or an older release.
Click here to go to the documentation for the latest stable release.