.. module:: StackTraces .. _stdlib-stacktraces: ************* StackTraces ************* .. currentmodule:: Base .. data:: StackFrame .. Docstring generated from Julia source Stack information representing execution context, with the following fields: * ``func::Symbol`` The name of the function containing the execution context. * ``linfo::Nullable{LambdaInfo}`` The LambdaInfo containing the execution context (if it could be found). * ``file::Symbol`` The path to the file containing the execution context. * ``line::Int`` The line number in the file containing the execution context. * ``from_c::Bool`` True if the code is from C. * ``inlined::Bool`` True if the code is from an inlined frame. * ``pointer::Int64`` Representation of the pointer to the execution context as returned by ``backtrace``\ . .. data:: StackTrace .. Docstring generated from Julia source An alias for ``Vector{StackFrame}`` provided for convenience; returned by calls to ``stacktrace`` and ``catch_stacktrace``\ . .. function:: stacktrace([trace::Vector{Ptr{Void}},] [c_funcs::Bool=false]) -> StackTrace .. Docstring generated from Julia source Returns a stack trace in the form of a vector of ``StackFrame``\ s. (By default stacktrace doesn't return C functions, but this can be enabled.) When called without specifying a trace, ``stacktrace`` first calls ``backtrace``\ . .. function:: catch_stacktrace([c_funcs::Bool=false]) -> StackTrace .. Docstring generated from Julia source Returns the stack trace for the most recent error thrown, rather than the current execution context. .. currentmodule:: Base.StackTraces The following methods and types in :mod:`Base.StackTraces` are not exported and need to be called e.g. as ``StackTraces.lookup(ptr)``. .. function:: lookup(pointer::Union{Ptr{Void}, UInt}) -> Vector{StackFrame} .. Docstring generated from Julia source Given a pointer to an execution context (usually generated by a call to ``backtrace``\ ), looks up stack frame context information. Returns an array of frame information for all functions inlined at that point, innermost function first. .. function:: remove_frames!(stack::StackTrace, name::Symbol) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Takes a ``StackTrace`` (a vector of ``StackFrames``\ ) and a function name (a ``Symbol``\ ) and removes the ``StackFrame`` specified by the function name from the ``StackTrace`` (also removing all frames above the specified function). Primarily used to remove ``StackTraces`` functions from the ``StackTrace`` prior to returning it.