.. module:: Libc ******************** C Standard Library ******************** .. currentmodule:: Base.Libc .. function:: malloc(size::Integer) -> Ptr{Void} .. Docstring generated from Julia source Call ``malloc`` from the C standard library. .. function:: calloc(num::Integer, size::Integer) -> Ptr{Void} .. Docstring generated from Julia source Call ``calloc`` from the C standard library. .. function:: realloc(addr::Ptr, size::Integer) -> Ptr{Void} .. Docstring generated from Julia source Call ``realloc`` from the C standard library. See warning in the documentation for ``free`` regarding only using this on memory originally obtained from ``malloc``\ . .. function:: free(addr::Ptr) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Call ``free`` from the C standard library. Only use this on memory obtained from ``malloc``\ , not on pointers retrieved from other C libraries. ``Ptr`` objects obtained from C libraries should be freed by the free functions defined in that library, to avoid assertion failures if multiple ``libc`` libraries exist on the system. .. function:: errno([code]) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Get the value of the C library's ``errno``\ . If an argument is specified, it is used to set the value of ``errno``\ . The value of ``errno`` is only valid immediately after a ``ccall`` to a C library routine that sets it. Specifically, you cannot call ``errno`` at the next prompt in a REPL, because lots of code is executed between prompts. .. function:: strerror(n=errno()) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Convert a system call error code to a descriptive string .. function:: GetLastError() .. Docstring generated from Julia source Call the Win32 ``GetLastError`` function [only available on Windows]. .. function:: FormatMessage(n=GetLastError()) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Convert a Win32 system call error code to a descriptive string [only available on Windows]. .. function:: time(t::TmStruct) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Converts a ``TmStruct`` struct to a number of seconds since the epoch. .. function:: strftime([format], time) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Convert time, given as a number of seconds since the epoch or a ``TmStruct``\ , to a formatted string using the given format. Supported formats are the same as those in the standard C library. .. function:: strptime([format], timestr) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Parse a formatted time string into a ``TmStruct`` giving the seconds, minute, hour, date, etc. Supported formats are the same as those in the standard C library. On some platforms, timezones will not be parsed correctly. If the result of this function will be passed to ``time`` to convert it to seconds since the epoch, the ``isdst`` field should be filled in manually. Setting it to ``-1`` will tell the C library to use the current system settings to determine the timezone. .. function:: TmStruct([seconds]) .. Docstring generated from Julia source Convert a number of seconds since the epoch to broken-down format, with fields ``sec``\ , ``min``\ , ``hour``\ , ``mday``\ , ``month``\ , ``year``\ , ``wday``\ , ``yday``\ , and ``isdst``\ . .. function:: flush_cstdio() .. Docstring generated from Julia source Flushes the C ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` streams (which may have been written to by external C code).