**************** More about types **************** .. currentmodule:: Base If you've used Julia for a while, you understand the fundamental role that types play. Here we try to get under the hood, focusing particularly on :ref:`parametric types `. Types and sets (and ``Any`` and ``Union{}``/``Bottom``) ------------------------------------------------------- It's perhaps easiest to conceive of Julia's type system in terms of sets. A concrete type corresponds to a single entity in the space of all possible types; an abstract type refers to a collection (set) of concrete types. ``Any`` is a type that describes the entire universe of possible types; ``Integer`` is a subset of ``Any`` that includes ``Int``, ``Int8``, and other concrete types. Internally, Julia also makes heavy use of another type known as ``Bottom``, or equivalently, ``Union{}``. This corresponds to the empty set. Julia's types support the standard operations of set theory: you can ask whether ``T1`` is a "subset" (subtype) of ``T2`` with ``T1 <: T2``. Likewise, you intersect two types using ``typeintersect``, take their union with ``Union``, and compute a type that contains their union with ``typejoin``: .. doctest:: julia> typeintersect(Int, Float64) Union{} julia> Union{Int, Float64} Union{Float64,Int64} julia> typejoin(Int, Float64) Real julia> typeintersect(Signed, Union{UInt8, Int8}) Int8 julia> Union{Signed, Union{UInt8, Int8}} Union{Signed,UInt8} julia> typejoin(Signed, Union{UInt8, Int8}) Integer julia> typeintersect(Tuple{Integer,Float64}, Tuple{Int,Real}) Tuple{Int64,Float64} julia> Union{Tuple{Integer,Float64}, Tuple{Int,Real}} Union{Tuple{Int64,Real},Tuple{Integer,Float64}} julia> typejoin(Tuple{Integer,Float64}, Tuple{Int,Real}) Tuple{Integer,Real} While these operations may seem abstract, they lie at the heart of Julia. For example, method dispatch is implemented by stepping through the items in a method list until reaching one for which ``typeintersect(args, sig)`` is not ``Union{}``. (Here, ``args`` is a tuple-type describing the types of the arguments, and ``sig`` is a tuple-type specifying the types in the function's signature.) For this algorithm to work, it's important that methods be sorted by their specificity, and that the search begins with the most specific methods. Consequently, Julia also implements a partial order on types; this is achieved by functionality that is similar to ``<:``, but with differences that will be discussed below. TypeVars -------- Many types take parameters; an easy example is :obj:`Array`, which takes two parameters often written as ``Array{T,N}``. Let's compare the following methods:: f1(A::Array) = 1 f2(A::Array{Int}) = 2 f3{T}(A::Array{T}) = 3 f4(A::Array{Any}) = 4 f5{T<:Any}(A::Array{T}) = 5 All but ``f4`` can be called with ``a = [1,2]``; all but ``f2`` can be called with ``b = Any[1,2]``. Let's look at these types a little more closely: .. doctest:: julia> Array Array{T,N} julia> xdump(Array) Array{T,N}::DataType <: DenseArray{T,N} This indicates that :obj:`Array` is a shorthand for ``Array{T,N}``. If you type this at the REPL prompt---on its own, not while defining a function or type---you get an error ``T not defined``. So what, exactly, are ``T`` and ``N``? You can learn more by extracting these parameters: .. doctest:: julia> T,N = Array.parameters svec(T,N) julia> xdump(T) TypeVar name: Symbol T lb: Union{} ub: Any::DataType <: Any bound: Bool false A :obj:`TypeVar` is one of Julia's built-in types---it's defined in ``jltypes.c``, although you can find a commented-out version in ``boot.jl``. The ``name`` field is straightforward: it's what's printed when showing the object. ``lb`` and ``ub`` stand for "lower bound" and "upper bound," respectively: these are the sets that constrain what types the TypeVar may represent. In this case, ``T``\ 's lower bound is ``Union{}`` (i.e., ``Bottom`` or the empty set); in other words, this :obj:`TypeVar` is not constrained from below. The upper bound is ``Any``, so neither is it constrained from above. In a method definition like:: g{S<:Integer}(x::S) = 0 one can extract the underlying :obj:`TypeVar`: .. testcode:: s g{S<:Integer}(x::S) = 0 m = start(methods(g)) p = m.sig.parameters tv = p[1] xdump(tv) .. testoutput:: s TypeVar name: Symbol S lb: Union{} ub: Integer::DataType <: Real bound: Bool true Here ``ub`` is ``Integer``, as specified in the function definition. The last field of a :obj:`TypeVar` is ``bound``. This boolean value specifies whether the :obj:`TypeVar` is defined as one of the function parameters. For example: .. doctest:: julia> h1(A::Array, b::Real) = 1 h1 (generic function with 1 method) julia> h2{T<:Real}(A::Array, b::T) = 1 h2 (generic function with 1 method) julia> h3{T<:Real}(A::Array{T}, b::T) = 1 h3 (generic function with 1 method) julia> p1 = start(methods(h1)).sig.parameters svec(Array{T,N},Real) julia> p2 = start(methods(h2)).sig.parameters svec(Array{T,N},T<:Real) julia> p3 = start(methods(h3)).sig.parameters svec(Array{T<:Real,N},T<:Real) julia> xdump(p1[1].parameters[1]) TypeVar name: Symbol T lb: Union{} ub: Any::DataType <: Any bound: Bool false julia> xdump(p3[1].parameters[1]) TypeVar name: Symbol T lb: Union{} ub: Real::DataType <: Number bound: Bool true Note that ``p2`` shows two objects called ``T``, but only one of them has the upper bound ``Real``; in contrast, ``p3`` shows both of them bounded. This is because in ``h3``, the same type ``T`` is used in both places, whereas for ``h2`` the ``T`` inside the array is simply the default symbol used for the first parameter of :obj:`Array`. One can construct :obj:`TypeVar`\s manually: .. doctest:: julia> TypeVar(:V, Signed, Real, false) Signed<:V<:Real There are convenience versions that allow you to omit any of these arguments except the ``name`` symbol. Armed with this information, we can do some sneaky things that reveal a lot about how Julia does dispatch: .. doctest:: julia> TV = TypeVar(:T, false) # bound = false T julia> candid{T}(A::Array{T}, x::T) = 0 candid (generic function with 1 method) julia> @eval sneaky{T}(A::Array{T}, x::$TV) = 1 sneaky (generic function with 1 method) julia> methods(candid) # 1 method for generic function "candid": candid{T}(A::Array{T,N}, x::T) at none:1 julia> methods(sneaky) # 1 method for generic function "sneaky": sneaky{T}(A::Array{T,N}, x::T) at none:1 These therefore print identically, but they have very different behavior: .. doctest:: julia> candid([1],3.2) ERROR: MethodError: `candid` has no method matching candid(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Float64) Closest candidates are: candid{T}(::Array{T,N}, !Matched::T) julia> sneaky([1],3.2) 1 To see what's happening, it's helpful to use Julia's internal :c:func:`jl_` function (defined in ``builtins.c``) for display, because it prints bound :obj:`TypeVar` objects with a hash (``#T`` instead of ``T``): .. doctest:: julia> jl_(x) = ccall(:jl_, Void, (Any,), x) jl_ (generic function with 1 method) .. doctest:: julia> jl_(start(methods(candid))) Method(sig=Tuple{Array{#T<:Any, N<:Any}, #T<:Any}, va=false, isstaged=false, tvars=#T<:Any, func=#, invokes=nothing, next=nothing) julia> jl_(start(methods(sneaky))) Method(sig=Tuple{Array{#T<:Any, N<:Any}, T<:Any}, va=false, isstaged=false, tvars=#T<:Any, func=#, invokes=nothing, next=nothing) Even though both print as ``T``, in ``sneaky`` the second ``T`` is not bound, and hence it isn't constrained to be the same type as the element type of the :obj:`Array`. Some :obj:`TypeVar` interactions depend on the ``bound`` state, even when there are not two or more uses of the same :obj:`TypeVar`. For example: .. doctest:: julia> S = TypeVar(:S, false); T = TypeVar(:T, true) T # These would be the same no matter whether we used S or T julia> Array{Array{S}} <: Array{Array} true julia> Array{Array{S}} <: Array{Array{S}} true julia> Array{Array} <: Array{Array{S}} true # For these cases, it matters julia> Array{Array{Int}} <: Array{Array} false julia> Array{Array{Int}} <: Array{Array{S}} false julia> Array{Array{Int}} <: Array{Array{T}} true It's this latter construction that allows function declarations like :: foo{T,N}(A::Array{Array{T,N}}) = T,N to match despite the invariance of Julia's type parameters. TypeNames --------- The following two :obj:`Array` types are functionally equivalent, yet print differently via :c:func:`jl_`: .. doctest:: julia> TV, NV = TypeVar(:T), TypeVar(:N) (T,N) julia> jl_(Array) Array julia> jl_(Array{TV,NV}) Array{T<:Any, N<:Any} These can be distinguished by examining the ``name`` field of the type, which is an object of type :obj:`TypeName`: .. doctest:: julia> xdump(Array.name) TypeName name: Symbol Array module: Module Core names: SimpleVector length: Int64 0 primary: Array{T,N}::DataType <: DenseArray{T,N} cache: SimpleVector length: Int64 135 linearcache: SimpleVector length: Int64 18 uid: Int64 37 In this case, the relevant field is ``primary``, which holds a reference to the "primary" instance of the type:: julia> pointer_from_objref(Array) Ptr{Void} @0x00007fcc7de64850 julia> pointer_from_objref(Array.name.primary) Ptr{Void} @0x00007fcc7de64850 julia> pointer_from_objref(Array{TV,NV}) Ptr{Void} @0x00007fcc80c4d930 julia> pointer_from_objref(Array{TV,NV}.name.primary) Ptr{Void} @0x00007fcc7de64850 The ``primary`` field of :obj:`Array` points to itself, but for ``Array{TV,NV}`` it points back to the default definition of the type. What about the other fields? ``uid`` assigns a unique integer to each type. To examine the ``cache`` field, it's helpful to pick a type that is less heavily used than Array. Let's first create our own type: .. doctest:: julia> type MyType{T,N} end julia> MyType{Int,2} MyType{Int64,2} julia> MyType{Float32, 5} MyType{Float32,5} julia> MyType.name.cache svec(MyType{Float32,5},MyType{Int64,2},Evaluation succeeded, but an error occurred while showing value of type SimpleVector: ERROR: UndefRefError: access to undefined reference in getindex at ./essentials.jl:211 in show_delim_array at show.jl:229 in show at show.jl:257 in anonymous at show.jl:1301 in with_output_limit at ./show.jl:1278 in showlimited at show.jl:1300 in display at multimedia.jl:120 [inlined code] from multimedia.jl:151 in display at multimedia.jl:163 (The error is triggered because the cache is pre-allocated to have length 8, but only the first two entries are populated.) Consequently, when you instantiate a parametric type, each concrete type gets saved in a type-cache. However, instances with :obj:`TypeVar` parameters are not cached. Tuple-types ----------- Tuple-types constitute an interesting special case. For dispatch to work on declarations like ``x::Tuple``, the type has to be able to be able to accommodate any tuple. Let's check the parameters: .. doctest:: julia> Tuple Tuple julia> Tuple.parameters svec(Vararg{Any}) It's worth noting that the parameter is a type, ``Any``, rather than a ``TypeVar T<:Any``: compare .. doctest:: julia> jl_(Tuple.parameters) svec(Vararg{Any}) julia> jl_(Array.parameters) svec(T<:Any, N<:Any) Unlike other types, tuple-types are covariant in their parameters, so this definition permits ``Tuple`` to match any type of tuple. This is therefore equivalent to having an unbound :obj:`TypeVar` but distinct from a bound :obj:`TypeVar` .. doctest:: julia> typeintersect(Tuple, Tuple{Int,Float64}) Tuple{Int64,Float64} julia> typeintersect(Tuple{Vararg{Any}}, Tuple{Int,Float64}) Tuple{Int64,Float64} julia> T = TypeVar(:T,false) T julia> typeintersect(Tuple{Vararg{T}}, Tuple{Int,Float64}) Tuple{Int64,Float64} julia> T = TypeVar(:T,true) T julia> typeintersect(Tuple{Vararg{T}}, Tuple{Int,Float64}) Union{} Finally, it's worth noting that ``Tuple{}`` is distinct .. doctest:: julia> Tuple{} Tuple{} julia> Tuple{}.parameters svec() julia> typeintersect(Tuple{}, Tuple{Int}) Union{} What is the "primary" tuple-type? :: julia> pointer_from_objref(Tuple) Ptr{Void} @0x00007f5998a04370 julia> pointer_from_objref(Tuple{}) Ptr{Void} @0x00007f5998a570d0 julia> pointer_from_objref(Tuple.name.primary) Ptr{Void} @0x00007f5998a04370 julia> pointer_from_objref(Tuple{}.name.primary) Ptr{Void} @0x00007f5998a04370 so ``Tuple == Tuple{Vararg{Any}}`` is indeed the primary type. Introduction to the internal machinery: ``jltypes.c`` ----------------------------------------------------- Many operations for dealing with types are found in the file ``jltypes.c``. A good way to start is to watch type intersection in action. Build Julia with ``make debug`` and fire up Julia within a debugger. :ref:`devdocs-gdb` has some tips which may be useful. Because the type intersection and matching code is used heavily in the REPL itself---and hence breakpoints in this code get triggered often---it will be easiest if you make the following definition:: julia> function myintersect(a,b) ccall(:jl_breakpoint, Void, (Any,), nothing) typeintersect(a, b) end and then set a breakpoint in ``jl_breakpoint``. Once this breakpoint gets triggered, you can set breakpoints in other functions. As a warm-up, try the following:: myintersect(Tuple{Integer,Float64}, Tuple{Int,Real}) Set a breakpoint in ``intersect_tuple`` and continue until it enters this function. You should be able to see something like this:: Breakpoint 2, intersect_tuple (a=0x7ffdf7409150, b=0x7ffdf74091b0, penv=0x7fffffffcc90, eqc=0x7fffffffcc70, var=covariant) at jltypes.c:405 405 { (gdb) call jl_(a) Tuple{Integer, Float64} (gdb) call jl_(b) Tuple{Int64, Real} The ``var`` argument is either ``covariant`` or ``invariant``, the latter being used if you're matching the type parameters of ``Array{T1}`` against ``Array{T2}``. The other two inputs to this function (``penv`` and ``eqc``) may be currently mysterious, but we'll discuss them in a moment. For now, step through the code until you get into the loop over the different entries in the tuple types ``a`` and ``b``. The key call is:: ce = jl_type_intersect(ae,be,penv,eqc,var); which, if you examine ``ae``, ``be``, and ``ce``, you'll see is just type intersection performed on these entries. We can make it more interesting by trying a more complex case:: julia> T = TypeVar(:T, true) T julia> myintersect(Tuple{Array{T}, T}, Tuple{Array{Int,2}, Int8}) Breakpoint 1, jl_breakpoint (v=0x7ffdf35e8010) at builtins.c:1559 1559 { (gdb) b intersect_tuple Breakpoint 3 at 0x7ffff6dcb07d: file jltypes.c, line 405. (gdb) c Continuing. Breakpoint 3, intersect_tuple (a=0x7ffdf74d7a90, b=0x7ffdf74d7af0, penv=0x7fffffffcc90, eqc=0x7fffffffcc70, var=covariant) at jltypes.c:405 405 { (gdb) call jl_(a) Tuple{Array{#T<:Any, N<:Any}, #T<:Any} (gdb) call jl_(b) Tuple{Array{Int64, 2}, Int8} Let's watch how this bound :obj:`TypeVar` gets handled. To follow this, you'll need to examine the variables ``penv`` and ``eqc``, which are defined as: .. code-block:: c typedef struct { jl_value_t **data; size_t n; jl_svec_t *tvars; } cenv_t; These start out empty (with ``penv->n == eqc->n == 0``). Once we get into the loop and make the first call to ``jl_type_intersect``, ``eqc`` (which stands for "equality constraints") has the following value:: (gdb) p eqc->n $4 = 2 (gdb) call jl_(eqc->data[0]) #T<:Any (gdb) call jl_(eqc->data[1]) Int64 This is just a ``var``, ``value`` list of pairs, indicating that ``T`` now has the value ``Int64``. If you now allow ``intersect_tuple`` to finish and keep progressing, you'll eventually get to ``type_intersection_matching``. This function contains a call to ``solve_tvar_constraints``. Roughly speaking, ``eqc`` defines ``T = Int64``, but ``env`` defines it as ``Int8``; this conflict is detected in ``solve_tvar_constraints`` and the resulting return is ``jl_bottom_type``, aka ``Union{}``. Subtyping and method sorting ---------------------------- Armed with this knowledge, you may find yourself surprised by the following: .. doctest:: julia> typeintersect(Tuple{Array{Int},Float64}, Tuple{Array{T},T}) Union{} julia> Tuple{Array{Int},Float64} <: Tuple{Array{T},T} true where ``T`` is a bound :obj:`TypeVar`. In other words, ``A <: B`` does not imply that ``typeintersect(A, B) == A``. A little bit of digging reveals the reason why: ``jl_subtype_le`` does not use the ``cenv_t`` constraints that we just saw in ``typeintersect``. ``jltypes.c`` contains three closely related collections of functions for testing how types ``a`` and ``b`` are ordered: - The ``subtype`` functions implement ``a <: b``. Among other uses, they serve in matching function arguments against method signatures in the function cache. - The ``type_morespecific`` functions are used for imposing a partial order on functions in method tables (from most-to-least specific). Note that ``jl_type_morespecific(a,b,0)`` really means "is ``a`` at least as specific as ``b``?" and not "is ``a`` strictly more specific than ``b``?" - The ``type_match`` functions are similar to ``type_morespecific``, but additionally accept (and employ) an environment to constrain typevars. The related ``type_match_morespecific`` functions call ``type_match`` with an argument ``morespecific=1`` All three of these take an argument, ``invariant``, which is set to 1 when comparing type parameters and otherwise is 0. The rules for these are somewhat different. ``subtype`` is sensitive to the number arguments, but ``type_morespecific`` may not be. In particular, ``Tuple{Int,AbstractFloat}`` is more specific than ``Tuple{Integer}``, even though it is not a subtype. (Of ``Tuple{Int,AbstractFloat}`` and ``Tuple{Integer,Float64}``, neither is more specific than the other.) Likewise, ``Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}`` is not a subtype of ``Tuple{Integer}``, but it is considered more specific. However, ``morespecific`` does get a bonus for length: in particular, ``Tuple{Int,Int}`` is more specific than ``Tuple{Int,Vararg{Int}}``. If you're debugging how methods get sorted, it can be convenient to define the function:: args_morespecific(a, b) = ccall(:jl_args_morespecific, Cint, (Any,Any), a, b) which allows you to test whether arg-tuple ``a`` is more specific than arg-tuple ``b``.