Package Manager Functions

All package manager functions are defined in the Pkg module. None of the Pkg module’s functions are exported; to use them, you’ll need to prefix each function call with an explicit Pkg., e.g. Pkg.status() or Pkg.dir().

dir() → String

Returns the absolute path of the package directory. This defaults to joinpath(homedir(),".julia","v$(VERSION.major).$(VERSION.minor)") on all platforms (i.e. ~/.julia/v0.3 in UNIX shell syntax). If the JULIA_PKGDIR environment variable is set, then that path is used in the returned value as joinpath(ENV["JULIA_PKGDIR"],"v$(VERSION.major).$(VERSION.minor)"). If JULIA_PKGDIR is a relative path, it is interpreted relative to whatever the current working directory is.

dir(names...) → String

Equivalent to normpath(Pkg.dir(),names...) – i.e. it appends path components to the package directory and normalizes the resulting path. In particular, Pkg.dir(pkg) returns the path to the package pkg.

init(meta::String=DEFAULT_META, branch::String=META_BRANCH)

Initialize Pkg.dir() as a package directory. This will be done automatically when the JULIA_PKGDIR is not set and Pkg.dir() uses its default value. As part of this process, clones a local METADATA git repository from the site and branch specified by its arguments, which are typically not provided. Explicit (non-default) arguments can be used to support a custom METADATA setup.


Determines an optimal, consistent set of package versions to install or upgrade to. The optimal set of package versions is based on the contents of Pkg.dir("REQUIRE") and the state of installed packages in Pkg.dir(), Packages that are no longer required are moved into Pkg.dir(".trash").


Opens Pkg.dir("REQUIRE") in the editor specified by the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables; when the editor command returns, it runs Pkg.resolve() to determine and install a new optimal set of installed package versions.

add(pkg, vers...)

Add a requirement entry for pkg to Pkg.dir("REQUIRE") and call Pkg.resolve(). If vers are given, they must be VersionNumber objects and they specify acceptable version intervals for pkg.


Remove all requirement entries for pkg from Pkg.dir("REQUIRE") and call Pkg.resolve().

clone(url[, pkg])

Clone a package directly from the git URL url. The package does not need to be a registered in Pkg.dir("METADATA"). The package repo is cloned by the name pkg if provided; if not provided, pkg is determined automatically from url.


If pkg has a URL registered in Pkg.dir("METADATA"), clone it from that URL on the default branch. The package does not need to have any registered versions.

available() → Vector{ASCIIString}

Returns the names of available packages.

available(pkg) → Vector{VersionNumber}

Returns the version numbers available for package pkg.

installed() → Dict{ASCIIString,VersionNumber}

Returns a dictionary mapping installed package names to the installed version number of each package.

installed(pkg) → Nothing | VersionNumber

If pkg is installed, return the installed version number, otherwise return nothing.


Prints out a summary of what packages are installed and what version and state they’re in.


Update package the metadata repo – kept in Pkg.dir("METADATA") – then update any fixed packages that can safely be pulled from their origin; then call Pkg.resolve() to determine a new optimal set of packages versions.

checkout(pkg[, branch="master"])

Checkout the Pkg.dir(pkg) repo to the branch branch. Defaults to checking out the “master” branch. To go back to using the newest compatible released version, use


Pin pkg at the current version. To go back to using the newest compatible released version, use

pin(pkg, version)

Pin pkg at registered version version.


Free the package pkg to be managed by the package manager again. It calls Pkg.resolve() to determine optimal package versions after. This is an inverse for both Pkg.checkout and


Run the build scripts for all installed packages in depth-first recursive order.


Run the build script in “deps/build.jl” for each package in pkgs and all of their dependencies in depth-first recursive order. This is called automatically by Pkg.resolve() on all installed or updated packages.

generate(pkg, license)

Generate a new package named pkg with one of these license keys: "MIT" or "BSD". If you want to make a package with a different license, you can edit it afterwards. Generate creates a git repo at Pkg.dir(pkg) for the package and inside it,, the julia entrypoint $pkg/src/$pkg.jl, and a travis test file, .travis.yml.

register(pkg[, url])

Register pkg at the git URL url, defaulting to the configured origin URL of the git repo Pkg.dir(pkg).

tag(pkg[, ver[, commit]])

Tag commit as version ver of package pkg and create a version entry in METADATA. If not provided, commit defaults to the current commit of the pkg repo. If ver is one of the symbols :patch, :minor, :major the next patch, minor or major version is used. If ver is not provided, it defaults to :patch.


For each new package version tagged in METADATA not already published, make sure that the tagged package commits have been pushed to the repo at the registered URL for the package and if they all have, open a pull request to METADATA.


Run the tests for all installed packages ensuring that each package’s test dependencies are installed for the duration of the test. A package is tested by running its test/runtests.jl file and test dependencies are specified in test/REQUIRE.


Run the tests for each package in pkgs ensuring that each package’s test dependencies are installed for the duration of the test. A package is tested by running its test/runtests.jl file and test dependencies are specified in test/REQUIRE.